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Placement Modes of Siplace MultiStar (CPP) Placement Head

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Placement Modes of Siplace MultiStar (CPP) Placement Head

Date of release:2023-08-25 Author: Click:

Placement Modes of Siplace MultiStar (CPP) Placement Head


Siplace MultiStar (CPP) is the first ever Placement Head that supports both Collect & Place Mode and Pick & Place mode, while being capable of operating in a Mixed Mode that combines both of these two modes in one placement cycle.

So, what is Collect & Place Mode, Pick & Place Mode, and Mixed Mode exactly?


Collect & Place Mode

Adopting component camera type 30 (high-resolution camera), Collect & Place Mode of Siplace MultiStar (CPP) is designed for high-speed placement of standard components, whose size ranges from 01005 mm to 27 mm x 27 mm.

In this mode, Siplace MultiStar collects components while rotating, where every nozzle can be used to collect a small component: The nozzle in the lowest position collects a small component first, after which the CPP Placement Head would quickly rotates to put the available nozzle next to the previous one in the lowest position, and then this now lowest-position nozzle collects another small component. This process can repeat until all 12 nozzles collect the components and move on to place them. The component placing process works in the similar way as collecting process, CPP Placement Head placing while rotating for the next nozzle to the proper placement angle, hence it is also possible to place the small components closely next to each other.

Here's the graphic demonstration of Siplace MultiStar in Collect & Place Mode:

CPP Collect & Place Mode.png


Pick & Place Mode

With component camera type 33 (stationary fine-pitch camera), Pick & Place Mode of Siplace MultiStar (CPP) is designed for the placement of large or special components, whose size ranges from 0402 to 50mm x 40mm (a diagonal of 69 mm is also possible during multiple measurements (e.g. 60 mm x 10 mm)) or certain requirement can only be met by precise placement in a fine pitch field.

In this mode, CPP Placement Head goes straight down to pick up a large component, goes up, moves to the targeted placement position above, and then goes down in the required placement angle to place the component, while some of the nozzles on the CPP Placement Head cannot be used due to the large space taken up by a large component. Throughout the whole Pick & Place process, the rotation only takes place when Siplace MultiStar is adjusted to a suitable placement angle.

Here's the graphic demonstration of Siplace MultiStar in Pick & Place Mode:

CPP Pick & Place Mode.png


Mixed Mode

Adopting component camera type 30 (high-resolution camera), Mixed Mode of Siplace MultiStar is designed for the placement of components of various types, whose size ranges from 0402 to 50mm x 40mm (a diagonal of 69 mm is also possible during multiple measurements (e.g. 60 mm x 10 mm)).

In this mode, Siplace MultiStar can operate in the combination of Collect & Place Mode and Pick & Place Mode, which means the CPP placement head can either collect or pick a component, rotate, then move on to collect or pick another component, and can work in a similar way as collecting or picking when placing. When the size of the component is not small enough, there will be nozzles stayed unused as in Pick & Place Mode to make the space for it. If the component is too large, too heavy, or needing special care, the rotation of the Siplace MultiStar will be limited.

Here's the graphic demonstration of Siplace MultiStar in Mixed Mode:

CPP Mixed Mode.png


Which Placement Mode Should Be Adopted?

Here’s the graphic conclusion of how to choose the placement mode of Siplace MultiStar:




The address of this article:http://www.vadq7w5p.cn/news/432.html

Key word:SiplaceMultiStar,CPPPlacementHead,SiplacePlacementMode

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