Contacts:Mr. Xiang +86-15811551336
X-RAY TR7600 SIII Automatic X-ray Inspecter
? Ultra-high Speed 3D CT X-Ray Inspection
? Excellent Image Quality
? True 3D Solder Joint Viewer
? High Resolution for 01005in Chips
Eliminate Board Warp Issues
The TR7600 SIII use multiple laser sensors to accurately measure any PCB assembly deformation
and automatically adjusts component inspection parameters to compensate for local board
warpage. This ensures reliable inspection of the most complex boards with overlapping and multilayered components and heavy press-fit connectors.
Designed for Operator Safety
Designed with safety in mind, TRI’s AXI systems have a number of fail-safe features preventing
injury or board damage. Full lead shielding prevents harmful exposure in everyday use and
reduces X-ray leakage below background radiation levels of 0.5 μSv/hr. The certified safety design
conforms to USFDA Code of Federal Regulations Title 21, Part 1020.40.
Repair Station
The TR7600 SIII collect a wide range of inspection data to offer instantaneous process monitoring
and analysis. This integrated approach offers clear statistical feedback that improves defect
management and enhances the efficiency of the inspection process
Contacts:Mr. Xiang +86-13510329527